Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Siberian Cat Breed Profile - Breed Information with Description & Photos

Personality of the Siberian Cat

Personality Plus. The Siberian has a very dog like temperament and are very affectionate. They come out to greet the visitors in the house and are not shy. They are very intelligent and very quick learners. They also have a triple purr and unlike other breeds have a chirping sound they use when they come to greet you. When they are around water they appear to be fascinated with it and will drop toys into it and play in sinks with water left in. The Siberian makes the ideal lap cat and will live quite happily indoors with you.

Are Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic?

It appears that different cat breeds have different levels of the FEL D 1 protein (the protein which is responsible for cat allergies). It is believed that the  Siberian Cat produces less allergens than other breeds. The average cat produces 63,000 micrograms of Fel-Dh1,  It is estimated that the female Siberian produces approximately 200 micrograms of Fel-Dh1 per gram. For more reading: Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Siberian Cat Appearance

The Siberian is a large, strong cat which can take up to five years to mature. The females being smaller than the males as in all breeds. They are noted for being very agile and can leap great distances. Their muscles are outstanding and powerful. The back is long and very slightly curved but appears horizontal in motion. The compact rounded belly develops with age. The hind-leg of the the Siberian is slightly longer than the front legs, with large and powerful firm rounded paws. The overall appearance should be a cat of great strength and size with an excellent physical tone. The facial expression is alert but sweet. The general impression of the cat is one of circles and roundness rather than angular as in some of the other breeds.
The head of the Siberian is a modified wedge of medium size with rounded contours broader at the skull and narrowing slightly to a full rounded muzzle with well rounded chin. The cheek bones are neither high set or prominent there should be a good distance between the ears and the eyes. The forehead being flat and the nose has a slight curvature before the tip the neck is medium in length and round and well muscled.
The tail of the Siberian is medium in length wide at the base with a blunt tip and the end which is evenly and thickly covered with fur from the base of the tail to the tip of the tail.The ears are medium to large wide and set as much on the sides of the head as on the top the tips are rounded and the ear tilts forward.The eyes are large almost round eyes set wide apart with the outer corner slightly angled toward the base of the ear. There is no relationship of eye colour to coat colour however the typical colour seen is yellow- green.

Siberian Cat Coat and Colours

The coat is the Siberians crowning glory, this is a moderately to long haired coat with the fur on the lower chest and shoulder blades being slightly shorter. There should be an abundant ruff around the neck setting off the large impressive head. There is a tight undercoat, which becomes thicker in colder weather. The coat gives the impression of lacquer and oil when ungroomed. The hair may thicken and curl on the belly and britches, but this is not a feature of the cat. The skin may also appear to have a bluish cast. Clear strong colours and patterns are desirable but are secondary to type.

Colour varieties of the Siberian vary and all colours are genetically possible, such as tabby, solid colours tortoiseshell colours and colour point varieties.

There is some depute as to the origins of the colour points in the breed but as long as records have been kept in Russia colour points have been noted to have been produced. The Russian believe that the feral pointed cats mated with the other colours along the Neva River region in Leningrad (which is now named St Petersburg) in the 1960’s.Soon Russian breeders were including this pattern into their breeding programs and created the nick name for them “Neva-Masquerade”. Neva for the river, and masquerade, for the mask. These are not a separate class of the Siberian but another colour. Some countries still do not accept the colour pointed version in the breed acceptance standard. No outcrosses are permitted for this breed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds. Low or non allergy cats

Hypoallergenic Cats. Sphynx Cat

Is there really a breed of cat that is hypoallergenic?

The prefix 'hypo' in the word hypoallergenic means 'less than normal'. Therefore the word hypoallergenic does not mean non-allergenic. A hypoallergenic cat is less likely than other cats to produce allergic reactions in some people.

Although some cat allergy sufferers can tolerate any or all of the following breeds not all allergy sufferers can.

Hypoallergenic Cats.  Devon Rex Cat
The most common allergen responsible for cat allergy symptoms in people is a protein named FEL D-1

It is commonly thought that cat hair is the cause of allergy to cats but this is not strictly true. Cat hair can carry the allergen because 
Fel D -1 is a particularly sticky protein.

FEL D-1. can be found in cat saliva. It is also produced by the sebaceous glands. Because cats groom themselves using saliva the protein is transferred to the cat's hair.

These Allergens become airborne as microscopic particles. They are breathed in by the allergy sufferer. These cat allergen particles are very small and can remain airborne for long periods of time.

Hypoallergenic Cats.  Cornish Rex Cat
Devon and Cornish Rex have a reduced number of hairs in their coat. This provides less surface area to trap allergenic proteins from the saliva or the skin. Rexes only have an undercoat and lose only a few of very fine hairs at a time. They do not shed like other cats.

Dander is minute flakes of skin. Older cats produce more dander than younger cats or kittens.

These skin cells contain oils (sebum) which are made by the cat's sebaceous glands and aid in keeping the cat's skin and coat in good condition. These skin cell particles (to which the FEL D 1 adheres)  become airborne and can be breathed in and also will adhere to most things including carpets, curtains and furnishings. It also adheres to clothing and can be spread on people's clothing to areas where no cat exist.

Hypoallergenic Cats. Sphynx Cat
Sphynx cats are almost completely hairless but they do secrete the FEL D 1 protein.

Hairless cats also produce dander

One reason why some allergy sufferers can tolerate Sphynx cats may be because there is less cat hair in the environment. As explained previously FEL D 1 adheres to cat hair.

There appears to be a sex difference in Fel d 1 allergen production. Female cats produce less of the allergen. Male cats which have not been neutered tend to secrete more of the protein than un-neutered male cats.

Hypoallergenic Cats. Siberian Cat
It has been claimed that different cat breeds have different levels of the FEL D 1 protein.
Claims have been made that the Siberian Cat produces less
FEL D 1 than other breeds. 

Tips to reduce allergies to cats

* Have your male cat neutered.
* Washing your cat in plain water can be useful to remove the Fel d-1 from the cat's coat.
* Consult your veterinarian about products that you can bathe your cat in to help reduce the  allergens
* Ensure your cat does not have fleas as this causes the cat to scratch and to throw more dander into the air.
* Limit your cat to certain areas of the house. Do NOT allow it in bedrooms.
* Keep your cat outside for part of the time. A cat enclosure can be built to keep your cat safe outside
* An air filtration system will reduce the amount of allergens circulated.
* Ventilate your house. Opening windows and using exhaust fans can help increase air exchange and decrease air borne allergens. 
* Vacuum carpets with a HEPA equipped vacuum cleaner. This will reduce the allergens. Cat dander settles onto carpets and soft furnishings, which act as a reservoir for the allergen, releasing it back into the air when touched. Remove the carpeting, if possible
* Wool attracts allergens. Try to avoid wearing it.
* Reduce your other allergies. Few individuals are allergic only to cats
* Keep the litter tray in a well ventilated area.

Allergies to Cats Information

Devon Rex Cat
For more information and pictures of hypoallergenic or low allergy cat breeds see our Hypoallergenic Cat Breed Page

Does cat hair cause my allergy?

It is commonly thought that cat hair causes an allergy to cats but this is not true. The allergen responsible for the cat allergy is a protein which is found in the dander and saliva of cats. The cat allergens become airborne as microscopic particles and these are breathed in by the allergy sufferer. These cat allergen particles are very small and can remain airborne for long periods of time.

Scientists have named the protein in the feline saliva FEL D-1

What is an Allergen?

An Allergen is a particle of foreign material such as cat dander, pollen grain, dust particles and enzymes from dust mite droppings. Allergic people often have a sensitivity to more than one substance.

Allergic reactions are determined by the amount of allergens in the environment and the person's individual sensitivity to those allergens. 

What is Dander on a cat?

Dander is minute flakes of skin.

These skin cells contain oils (sebum) which are made by the cat's sebaceous glands and aid in keeping the cat's skin and coat in good condition. These skin cell particles become airborne and can be breathed in and also will adhere to most things including carpets, curtains and furnishings. It also adheres to clothing and can be spread on people's clothing to areas where no cat exists.

What are the Symptoms of Cat Allergy?


Hay Fever. Sneezing, the most common, may be accompanied by a runny or clogged nose

Itching eyes, nose, and throat

Contact Urticaria (itchy skin)

Watering eyes Conjunctivitis 

Is there a hypoallergenic cat breed?

Hypo means 'less than' not 'none' indicating that some breeds of cats may produce fewer allergens which cause an allergy to cats in humans.

All cats have skin and all cats groom themselves with cat saliva.

Is there any breed of cat less likely to cause allergies? See also: Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds with Pictures

Cornish Rex, Devon Rex and Sphinx are claimed to be hypoallergenic and some people with cat allergies can tolerate them The two Rex breeds have very fine, short, wavy hair. Sphinx have almost no hair For a reason not fully understood, some people with a cat allergy can tolerate the rex breed of cat although this is not the case for all cat allergy sufferers.

It is a theory that the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex and Sphinx coats do not hold as much saliva as other cat breeds. It is also a theory that less hair in the air means less saliva and dander allergens.

It is generally believed that the Rex breed of cat (Devon Rex and Cornish Rex) do not shed hair. However this is not entirely true. Some moult so gradually as to be virtually unnoticeable others shed their coats all at once and go through a period of temporary baldness until their new coat emerges in the autumn.

Are Siberian Cats Hypoallergenic?

There Are claims that the Siberian Cat produces less allergens than other breeds. The claim is that the Siberian has less of the FEL D1 protein. As with the Rexes some people with allergies can tolerate the Siberian breed but that does not apply to every cat allergy sufferer.

At right, a Siberian Cat.
Siberian Cat Breed Profile

See also: Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds with Pictures

Should I visit a Devon or Cornish Rex Breeder to test if I am allergic to these cats?

One visit to a rex cattery is not always sufficient to test if you will have an allergic reaction to these cats. Often it can take months or years for an allergy to build up. Several exposures are often necessary. Allergies are cumulative. In other words, they build up. Every allergic person has a tolerance level above which an acute reaction takes place.

Should I try handling a kitten to see if I'm allergic to it?

Often handling a kitten will not trigger an allergy. The kitten's skin is more supple than an older cat and produces less oils (sebum). As the kitten ages it will produce more sebum and therefore more allergens.
People can acquire a new kitten and not experience any allergy symptoms until much later. It can take anywhere from a few months to a number of years for a  person to build up the antibodies which cause allergies.

How can I reduce cat allergens?

Interestingly a spayed or neutered cat produces less allergens. Male cats produce more allergens than female cats. It has been found that the sebum produced by a cat is highest in unaltered males and lowest in neutered males.
Have your cat neutered or spayed.
Washing your cat in plain water can be useful to remove the Fel d-1 from the cat's coat.
Consult your veterinarian about products that you can bathe your cat in to help reduce the allergens
Ensure your cat does not have fleas as this causes the cat to scratch and to throw more dander into the air.
Limit your cat to certain areas of the house. Do NOT allow it in bedrooms.
Keep your cat outside for part of the time. A cat enclosure can be built to keep your cat safe outside
An air filtration system will reduce the amount of allergens circulated.
Ventilate your house. Opening windows and using exhaust fans can help increase air exchange and decrease air borne allergens.
Vacuum carpets with a HEPA equipped vacuum cleaner. This will reduce the allergens. Cat dander settles onto carpets and soft furnishings, which act as a reservoir for the allergen, releasing it back into the air when touched. Remove the carpeting, if possible
Wool attracts allergens. Try to avoid wearing it.
Reduce your other allergies. Few individuals are allergic only to cats
Keep the litter tray in a well ventilated area.

I'm having terrible cat allergy symptoms. Should I re-home my cat?

Before taking the drastic measure of re-homing your cat first make sure that it is a cat allergy that you are suffering from. Your doctor can perform an allergy test to determine which allergens affect you.

Also remember that allergens from a cat can remain in your home for a long period of time after the cat has been removed and you may still suffer from symptoms.

source : catsofaaustralia 

The Facts About Declawing (Feline Digital Amputation - "Onychectomy") What You Really Need To Know

The Cat’s Claws

Unlike most mammals who walk on the soles of the paws or feet, cats are digitigrade, which means they walk on their toes. Their back, shoulder, paw and leg joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves are naturally designed to support and distribute the cat's weight across its toes as it walks, runs and climbs. A cat's claws are used for balance, for exercising, and for stretching the muscles in their legs, back, shoulders, and paws. They stretch these muscles by digging their claws into a surface and pulling back against their own clawhold - similar to isometric exercising for humans. This is the only way a cat can exercise, stretch and tone the muscles of its back and shoulders. The toes help the foot meet the ground at a precise angle to keep the leg, shoulder and back muscles and joints in proper alignment. Removal of the last digits of the toes drastically alters the conformation of their feet and causes the feet to meet the ground at an unnatural angle that can cause back pain similar to that in humans caused by wearing improper shoes.

Understanding Declawing (Onychectomy)

The anatomy of the feline claw must be understood before one can appreciate the severity of declawing. The cat's claw is not a nail as is a human fingernail, it is part of the last bone (distal phalanx) in the cat's toe. The cat’s claw arises from the unguicular crest and unguicular process in the distal phalanx of the paw (see above diagram). Most of the germinal cells that produce the claw are situated in the dorsal aspect of the ungual crest. This region must be removed completely, or regrowth of a vestigial claw and abcessation results. The only way to be sure all of the germinal cells are removed is to amputate the entire distal phalanx at the joint.

Contrary to most people's understanding, declawing consists of amputating not just the claws, but the whole phalanx (up to the joint), including bones, ligaments, and tendons! To remove the claw, the bone, nerve, joint capsule, collateral ligaments, and the extensor and flexor tendons must all be amputated. Thus declawing is not a “simple”, single surgery but 10 separate, painful amputations of the third phalanx up to the last joint of each toe. A graphic comparison in human terms would be the cutting off of a person's finger at the last joint of each finger.  

Many vets and clinic staff deliberately misinform and mislead clients into believing that declawing removes only the claws in the hopes that clients are left with the impression that the procedure is a "minor" surgery comparable to spay/neuter procedures and certainly doesn't involve amputation (partial or complete) of the terminal-toe bone, ligaments and tendons. Some vets rationalize the above description by saying that since the claw and the third phalanx (terminal toe bone) are so firmly connected, they simply use the expression "the claw" to make it simpler for clients to "understand". Other vets are somewhat more honest and state that if they used the word "amputation", most clients would not have the surgery performed! Onychectomy in the clinical definition involves either the partial or total amputation of the terminal bone. That is the only method. What differs from vet to vet is the type of cutting tool used (guillotine-type cutter, scalpel or laser).

Onychectomy (Declawing) Surgery

The below is a clinical description of the the declawing surgery taken from a leading veterinary surgical textbbook. Contrary to misleading information, declawing is not a "minor" surgery comparable to spaying and neutering procedures, it is 10, seperate, painful amputations of the distal phalanx at the joint (disjointing).

"The claw is extended by pushing up under the footpad or by grasping it with Allis tissue forceps. A scalpel blade is used to sharply dissect between the second and third phalanx over the top of the ungual crest . The distal interphalangeal joint is disarticulated (disjointed), and the deep digital flexor tendon is incised (severed). The digital footpad, is not incised. If a nail trimmer is used, the ring of the instrument is placed in the groove between the second phalanx and the ungual crest. The blade is positioned just in front of the footpad. The blade is pushed through the soft tissues over the flexor process. With the ring of the nail trimmer in position behind the ungual crest, the blade is released just slightly so that traction applied to the claw causes the flexor process to slip out and above the blade. At this point, the flexor tendon can be incised and disarticulation of the joint (disjointing) completed. Both techniques effectively remove the entire third phalanx." (Excerpted from: Slatter D; Textbook of Small Animal Surgery 2nd ed vol I, p.352 W.B. Saunders Company Philadelphia.)


Declawing is not without complication. The rate of complication is relatively high compared with other so-called routine procedures. Complications of this amputation can be excruciating pain, damage to the radial nerve, hemorrhage, bone chips that prevent healing, painful regrowth of deformed claw inside of the paw which is not visible to the eye, and chronic back and joint pain as shoulder, leg and back muscles weaken.  

Other complications include postoperative hemorrhage, either immediate or following bandage removal is a fairly frequent occurrence, paw ischemia, lameness due to wound infection or footpad laceration, exposure necrosis of the second phalanx, and abscess associated with retention of portions of the third phalanx. Abscess due to regrowth must be treated by surgical removal of the remnant of the third phalanx and wound debridement. During amputation of the distal phalanx, the bone may shatter and cause what is called a sequestrum, which serves as a focus for infection, causing continuous drainage from the toe. This necessitates a second anesthesia and surgery. Abnormal growth of severed nerve ends can also occur, causing long-term, painful sensations in the toes. Infection will occasionally occur when all precautions have been taken.  

"Declawing is actually an amputation of the last joint of your cat's "toes". When you envision that, it becomes clear why declawing is not a humane act. It is a painful surgery, with a painful recovery period. And remember that during the time of recuperation from the surgery your cat would still have to use its feet to walk, jump, and scratch in its litter box regardless of the pain it is experiencing."

"General anesthesia is used for this surgery, which always has a certain degree of risk of disability or death associated with it. Because declawing provides no medical benefits to cats, even slight risk can be considered unacceptable. In addition, the recovery from declawing can be painful and lengthy and may involve postoperative complications such as infections, hemorrhage, and nail regrowth. The latter may subject the cat to additional surgery." The Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (AVAR)

Two recent studies published in peer-reviewed veterinary journals (Vet Surg 1994 Jul-Aug;23(4):274-80) concluded “Fifty percent of the cats had one or more complications immediately after surgery.... 19.8% developed complications after release.” Another study (J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998 Aug 1;213(3):370-3) comparing the complications of declawing with Tenectomy concluded “Owners should be aware of the high complication rate for both procedures." Many cats also suffer a loss of balance because they can no longer achieve a secure foothold on their amputated stumps.   

Vet Surg 1994 Jul-Aug;23(4):274-80
Feline Onychectomy at a Teaching Institution: A
Retrospective Study of 163 Cases.

Tobias KS
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences,
Washington State University, College of Veterinary Medicine,
Pullman 99164-6610.

"One hundred sixty-three cats underwent onychectomy.....  Fifty percent of the cats had one or more complications immediately after surgery. Early postoperative complications included pain..., hemorrhage...., lameness...., swelling...., or non-weight-bearing.....   Follow-up was available in 121 cats;  19.8% developed complications after release.
Late postoperative complications included infection...., regrowth...., P2 protrusion...., palmagrade
stance...., and prolonged, intermittent lameness....".

J Am Vet Med Assoc 1998 Aug 1;213(3):370-3
Comparison of Effects of Elective Tenectomy or Onychectomy in Cats.

Jankowski AJ, Brown DC, Duval J, Gregor TP, Strine LE, Ksiazek LM, Ott AH
Department of Clinical Studies, Veterinary Teaching Hospital,
School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia 19104, USA.

"Objective: To compare short- and long-term complications after Tenectomy of the deep digital flexor tendons or onychectomy.
Animals: 20 cats undergoing Tenectomy and 18 cats undergoing onychectomy.
Procedure: Cats undergoingTenectomy or onychectomy were monitored for a minimum of 5 months to enable comparison of type and frequency of complications.Type and frequency of complications did not differ between procedures.
Clinical Implications: Owners should be aware of the high complication rate for both procedures."

Psychological & Behavioral Complications

Some cats are so shocked by declawing that their personalities change. Cats who were lively and friendly have become withdrawn and introverted after being declawed. Others, deprived of their primary means of defense, become nervous, fearful, and/or aggressive, often resorting to their only remaining means of defense, their teeth. In some cases, when declawed cats use the litterbox after surgery, their feet are so tender they associate their new pain with the box...permanently, resulting in a life-long adversion to using the litter box. Other declawed cats that can no longer mark with their claws, they mark with urine instead resulting in inappropriate elimination problems, which in many cases, results in relinquishment of the cats to shelters and ultimately euthanasia. Many of the cats surrendered to shelters are surrendered because of  behavioral problems which developed after the cats were declawed. 

Risk factors for relinquishment of cats to an animal shelter: 

"Among 218 cats relinquished to a shelter, more (52.4%) declawed cats than non-declawed cats (29.1%) were reported by owners to have inappropriate elimination problems."

Source: World Small Animal Veterinary Association - 2001 

The incidence of behavior problems following onychectomy in cats;  two months to five years (median 11.5 months) after surgery: 

  • "(33%) developed at least one behavior problem.
  • "(17.9%) had an increase in biting habits or intensity."
  • "(15.4%) would not use the litter box"  
Source: World Small Animal Veterinary Association - 2001

Many declawed cats become so traumatized by this painful mutilation that they end up spending their maladjusted lives perched on top of doors and refrigerators, out of reach of real and imaginary predators against whom they no longer have any adequate defense.
A cat relies on its claws as its primary means of defense. Removing the claws makes a cat feel defenseless. The constant state of stress caused by a feeling of defenselessness may make some declawed cats more prone to disease. Stress leads to a myriad of physical and psychological disorders including supression of the immune system, cystitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)..

"The consequences of declawing are often pathetic. Changes in behavior can occur. A declawed cat frequently resorts to biting when confronted with even minor threats. Biting becomes an overcompensation for the insecurity of having no claws. Bungled surgery can result in the regrowth of deformed claws or in an infection leading to gangrene. Balance is affected by the inability to grasp with their claws. Chronic physical ailments such as cystitis or skin disorders can be manifestations of a declawed cat's frustration and stress" David E. Hammett, DVM

Moral, Ethical and Humane Considerations

The veterinary justification for declawing is that the owner may otherwise dispose of the cat, perhaps cruelly. It is ethically inappropriate, in the long term, for veterinarians to submit to this form of moral blackmail from their clients.  

"The Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights is opposed to cosmetic surgeries and to those performed to correct 'vices.' Declawing generally is unacceptable because the suffering and disfigurement it causes is not offset by any benefits to the cat. Declawing is done strictly to provide convenience for people. The Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights (AVAR)

Some veterinarians have argued that some people would have their cats killed if declawing was not an option. We should not, however, allow ourselves to taken 'emotional hostage' like this. If a person really would kill her or his cat in this case, it is reasonable to question the suitability of that person as a feline guardian, especially when there are millions of non-declawed cats living in harmony with people." 

Most people are vehemently opposed to declawing due to a combination of reasons: 1) because the end (owner convenience) doesn't justify the means (causing unnecessary pain to the cat); 2) because other, less harmful alternatives to declawing exist and 3) because claws are part of the nature or "catness" of cats. Overall, the view is that it is ethically inappropriate to remove parts of an animal's anatomy, thereby causing the animal pain, merely to fit the owner's lifestyle, aesthetics, or convenience without any benefit to the cat. It should be emphasized that "most people" includes virtually the entire adult population of Europe and many other countries around the world.  

Many countries are particularly concerned about animal welfare and have banned declawing as abusive and causing unnecessary pain and suffering with no benefit to the cat.. One highly regarded veterinary textbook by Turner and Bateson on the biology of cat behavior concludes a short section on scratching behavior with the following statement: "The operative removal of the claws, as is sometimes practiced to protect furniture and curtains, is an act of abuse and should be forbidden by law in all, not just a few countries."  

The following is a partial list of countries in which declawing cats is either illegal or considered extremely inhumane and only performed under extreme medical circumstances:

England - Scotland - Wales - Northern Ireland - Germany - Austria - Switzerland - Norway - Sweden
- Netherlands - Denmark - Finland - Brazil - Australia - New Zealand 

Cat Fanciers Association

Declawing of Cats - CFA Guidance Statement: Approved by the CFA Board of Directors - October 1996 by Joan Miller, CFA Health Committee

"CFA's Health Committee proposed the following guidance statement on the declawing of cats after review of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association's (CVMA) position concerning declawing, and after research of scientific articles and information from the Cornell Feline Health Center, from Joan Miller's files of Cat Fancy and animal shelter materials and by talking with veterinarians, feline behavioral specialists, The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the President of the American College of Behaviorists and the Director of Ethical Studies at the San Francisco SPCA. At the October 1996 meeting, the CFA Board unanimously approved this guidance statement on the declawing of cats:

CFA perceives the declawing of cats (onychectomy ) and the severing of digital tendons (tendonectomy) to be elective
surgical procedures which are without benefit to the cat. Because of post operative discomfort or pain, and potential future behavioral or physical effects, CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery."

Section 10-Non-therapeutic Surgical Operations on Pet Animals

i) Surgical operations for the purpose of modifying the appearance of a pet animal for non-therapeutic purposes should be actively discouraged.

ii) Where possible legislation should be enacted to prohibit the performance of non-therapeutic surgical procedures for purely cosmetic purposes, in particular;

d. Declawing and defanging.

iii) Exceptions to these prohibitions should be permitted only if a veterinarian considers that the particular surgical procedure is necessary for veterinary medical reasons." 

"A major concern that the AVAR has about declawing is the attitude that is evident in this situation. The cat is treated as if he or she is an inanimate object who can be modified, even to the point of surgical mutilation, to suit a person's perception of what a cat should be. It would seem more ethical and humane to accept that claws and scratching are inherent feline attributes, and to
adjust one's life accordingly if a cat is desired as a companion. If this is unacceptable, then perhaps a different companion would be in order."
Dr. Nicholas Dodman, Professor of Behavioral Pharmacology and Director of the Behavior Clinic at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine and internationally known specialist in domestic animal behavioral research, explains declawing:

"The inhumanity of the procedure is clearly demonstrated by the nature of cats' recovery from anesthesia following the surgery. Unlike routine recoveries, including recovery from neutering surgeries, which are fairly peaceful, declawing surgery results in cats bouncing off the walls of the recovery cage because of excruciating pain. Cats that are more stoic huddle in the corner of the recovery cage, immobilized in a state of helplessness, presumably by overwhelming pain. Declawing fits the dictionary definition of mutilation to a tee. Words such as deform, disfigure, disjoint, and dismember all apply to this surgery. Partial digital amputation is so horrible that it has been employed for torture of prisoners of war, and in veterinary medicine, the clinical procedure serves as model of severe pain for testing the efficacy of analgesic drugs. Even though analgesic drugs can be used postoperatively, they rarely are, and their effects are incomplete and transient anyway, so sooner or later the pain will emerge."  (Excerpted from The Cat Who Cried For Help, Dodman N, Bantam Books, New York).

Declawing robs a cat of an integral means of movement and defense. Because they cannot defend themselves adequately against attacks by other animals, declawed cats who are allowed outdoors may be at increased risk of injury or death. Scratching is a natural instinct for cats; cats enjoy scratching, and declawing causes a significant degree of privation with respect to satisfying the instinctive impulses to climb, chase, exercise, and to mark territory by scratching. Cats simply enjoy scratching. The sensible and humane solution to undesirable scratching is to modify the cat's conduct by making changes in the environment and direct the cat’s natural scratching behavior to an appropriate area (e.g., scratching post) rather than surgically altering the cat, thereby causing the animal pain, merely to fit the owner's lifestyle, aesthetics, or convenience. The fact that many cats recover from the hideous experience of declawing without untoward effects, and even though they may not hold grudges, that doesn't seem sufficient justification for putting a family member through such a repugnant experience. In short, a declawed cat is a maimed, mutilated cat, and no excuse can justify the operation. Your cat should trust you, and depend upon you for protection. Don't betray that trust by declawing your cat.

source : maxshouse

Monday, August 24, 2015

How to Stop Your Cat from Scratching Your Furniture

Why do cats scratch furniture?        

It is completely natural for a cat to sharpen it's claws. In the wild a cat needs it's claws to hunt and catch food and for climbing and protecting themselves. Scratching also helps keep the claws in top condition and helps remove the transparent sheath that grows over the claws. It is also a territorial instinct. Many wild cats mark trees with their claws.
Cats have scent glands in their paws and use this to mark their territory. Scratching also makes your cat feel good, as they scratch they also stretch (improving muscle tone) and they love to do this especially just after they wake up.

How do I stop my cat scratching the furniture?

One thing is absolutely certain. You will never stop a cat from scratching but you can divert his claws from your sofa, furnishings or carpet to something more appropriate. It is relatively easy to stop your cat scratching your furniture. First you must buy or make him a scratching post.


What kind of scratching post to I need?

If you are handy you can make your own scratching post. If not there are many scratching posts available that can be purchased in a price range of $10 up to over $500
Pictures of scratching posts below.

Another choice is a Scratch Box. They are catnip impregnated, strong corrugated cardboard boxes which can sit on the floor or be attached to the wall if you want to save room. Because of the enticement of catnip once the cats begin to use the box they will not scratch anywhere else. A scratch box will last around five or more months, depending on how much an individual cat scratches


How do I train my cat to scratch the scratching post or scratch box?

To train your cat to use a scratching post instead of scratching your furniture is a lot easier than you think.
Don't assume that all you need to do is place the scratching post in the room and the cat will automatically use it (although some cats may do this) First, place the scratching post as close to the area where the inappropriate scratching is taking place. Then wait and watch.

Whenever you see your cat scratching the furniture tell him NO... or AH-AH in a firm voice, then gently pick him up and take him to the scratching post. Do this is a very gentle way so as not to scare him. Place his paws on the scratching post and simulate scratching. Praise him and tell him 'Good Kitty' and stroke him to make it an enjoyable pleasant experience. You will have to be diligent at first and try to catch him in the act of scratching your furniture.
Never punish him for scratching inappropriately but praise him well when he does the right thing.  It's all about reward and pleasant experiences.
Over the coming weeks reinforce this acceptable behavior with praise whenever he uses the scratching post on his own and keep up the NO or AH-AH when he scratches the furniture.
Cats are smart. Most cats will learn to use the cat scratching post within a few days.
IMPORTANT - Remember... no punishment for inappropriate scratching other than a verbal reprimand and lots of praise and stroking for scratching at the post.
Under no circumstances consider declawing.   Read this article about declawing